Most importanly - if you have already registered Exile 1.0, you can make this copy registered by copying your old misc.dat file over the new misc.dat file. If you no longer have the old misc.dat file, you need to contact Fantasoft for a new Registration key, at the address/phone number given.
Your save slots from Exile 1.0 are fully compatible with Exile 1.0.5.
Exile 1.0.5 is different from Exile 1.0 in several ways:
- the bug that made the game crash on the II, IIx, IIcx, and older Macs has been fixed
- you can now access a window giving you detailed information on your characters
and their items
- spell selection has been revamped, so that all the decisions may be made from
one window
- when casting offensive spells or firing missiles, a targeting line now appears
- when moving using that keypad, holding the key down has you keep moving